Ettenseweg 50 ,
7061 AC Terborg
The Netherlands
+31 (0)315 396969
+31 (0)315 396965
Joost Baakman BV international wholesaler of decorative items and garden furniture.

Joost Baakman BV is an international wholesaler of decorative items and garden furniture. Our extensive collection of decorative items and garden furniture can be seen in our showroom at Ettensestraat 50 Terborg. The showroom has an area of 4.000 m2. In total we have an area of 12.000 m2 of sales and storage.

As an international wholesaler in decorative items and garden furniture we mainly work with the so-called “cash-and-carry system”. This means that we sell our products from our showroom. Besides the cash-and-carry system ', it is possible to get supplied the decorative items and garden furniture on a pallet. We bring, for this type of sale, the cost for assembling the order and shipment into account. New is dropshipment. We can ship the products for you directly to your customers.

Thanks to an efficient organization we are able to keep the prices of our decorative items and garden furniture at an affordable level.

Our decorative items and garden furniture are based on antiques and art from different periods. Think products from the category Rococo, Art. Nouveau, Art Deco, Baroque and Empire. These modern products are often of interest to dealers and collectors.

As described earlier, we work mainly with the cash-and-carry system. This enables us to keep the prices of our decorative items and garden furniture low. At Decoration Wholesale Joost Baakman BV we use no minimum purchase amount or number. However, we only sell to companies registered in the commercial register. So take at the first visit to our showroom your Chamber of Commerce registration certificate and tax documents with you.

It is possible to subscribe to our newsletter online or after your first visit to our showroom. Online or while visiting our showroom, there is also the opportunity to receive login codes used to access our product database for our complete program.
Resin beelden
Glass Vases
Tiffany-style lampen
Porcelain Vases
Tin Minature Vehicles
Rusty Cast Iron
Porcelain with Bronze
Resin beelden
Glass Vases
Tin Animals
Tiffany-style lampen
Spiegels - Mirrors
Resin steampunk skulls
Keramieken dierenbeelden en figuren
Gietijzeren spaarpotten
Kleine marmeren bustes abstracte figuren en dieren
Murano stijl glazen figuren en vazen
Harnassen Wapenschilden Helmen
Roestige gietijzeren tuinbeelden
Metalen wanddecoratie
Bronzen Beelden - Thailand
Porselein met brons
Blikken wandplaten
Oude militaire wapenen
Gietijzeren tuinbeelden met roestige afwerking
Gietijzeren tuinvazen
Cast Iron Bells
Marmer bustes
Murano stijl glazen figuren en vazen
Metalen wanddecoratie
Bronzen beelden gekleurd
Blikken miniaturen en klokken
Lantaarns en windlichten
Historische navigatie-instrumenten
Tiffany-style lampen
Porselein met brons
Metalen wanddecoratie
Roestige gietijzeren beelden
Gietijzeren vazen
Bronzen beelden
Bronzen beelden van dieren
Polyresin beelden
Metalen wanddecoratie
Tiffany-style lampen
Betonnen tuinbeelden
Harnassen en wapenschilden
Tin Miniature Christmas Items
Gietijzeren decoratieve platen
Gietijzeren decoratieve artikelen
Porselein met brons decoratie artikelen
Porselein met brons decoratie artikelen
Betonnen tuinbeelden
Resin figuren en verlichting
Gietijzeren decoratieve artikelen
Porselein artikelen
Marmeren decoratie artikelen
Gietijzeren decoratieve artikelen
Nautische en Maritieme decoratie
Bronzen beelden
Gietijzeren decoratieve beelden
Blikken wandplaten
Bronzen beelden divers
Grammofoons in diverse vormen en maten
Lantaarns - windlichten in verschillende uitvoeringen
Bronzen beelden
Tuinmeubelen in verweerd groen
Resin wineholders
Porselein met brons decoratie artikelen
Gietijzeren decoratieve platen
Just arrived - an iron great helm on stand
Just arrived - an iron shield fleur de lis wall decor
Just arrived - an iron knights suit of armor with pollax
A brass hotel bell
A magnifying glass
A tiffany style table lamp in different items
An iron knights suit of armor with pollax
A resin photo frame in different measures
A gold mirror in different measures
A wood mirror in different measures
A resin dressing table mirror
A set of 3 tin lanterns
A tin lantern on stand
A hanging tin lantern
A hexagonal tin lantern